
Peter Shrope
Call (518) 327-3202. The Supervisor has office hours in the Town Hall from approx. 8 am to 11 am on Tuesdays and Thursdays or by appointment.

Council Member

Steven Tucker

Council Member

Lydia Wright

Council Member

Tracy Santagate

Council Member

Amber McKernan


John Stack
(518) 637-2995

Code Enforcement

Rodger Tompkins
(518) 327-9360
Office hours, Wednesdays, 1 -4 pm.

Dog Control

Tri-Lakes Humane Society
Phone (518) 897-2000 and ask for Dog Control Officer On Call.

Tax Collector

Elizabeth DeFonce
(518) 424-5314
PO Box 43, Gabriels, NY 12939
Click here to pay your taxes

Town Clerk

Elizabeth DeFonce
(518) 327-3202. (518) 327-5387 fax.

Dog licenses and notary services are available.
Noon to 5:30 p.m. on Mondays and Tuesdays

Deputy Town Clerk

Elaine Sater

Town Justice

Russ DeFonce

Court is held on Monday evenings at 7:00 p.m.

(518) 327-3202

Court Clerk

Elizabeth DeFonce
(518) 327-3202. (518) 327-5387 fax.

Superintendent of Highways

Andy Crary
(518) 327-3201.


Richard Meagher


Elaine Sater

Hall Custodian

Shelly Smith

Highway Department Employees

Chris Reed

Board of Assessment Review

Clifford Wagner, Tom Seymour, Paul Pillis, Kyle Murray and Mike DeDivitis.

The town government of Brighton is composed of the Town Board, the Highway Department, and other officials, some elected and some appointed.

Town Board

The board consists of five individuals, the Supervisor and four Members of Council. All are elected by the voters registered in the town. The term of the Supervisor is two years and the term of a Council Member is four years. In the absence of the Supervisor the Deputy Supervisor will act in the capacity of the Supervisor.

The Council Member elections are staggered at two-year intervals, i.e., two of the four are elected in each odd-numbered year, together with the Supervisor.

It is a common misconception that a town supervisor is the sole executive authority in a town, e.g., he or she is a sort of “president” or “chief executive officer.” In reality, it is the town board, acting together, that controls the business matters of the town and is therefore the executive authority. Decisions are made by majority rule, consisting of at least three of the five members of the board. The statutory difference between the supervisor and the members of council is that the supervisor is 1) also the chief financial officer of the town, and 2) required to preside at meetings of the town board. In addition, the supervisor is usually regarded as the valid contractual signatory representing the town board and inevitably serves as the focus of communications to and from the town government.

The Highway Department

The Highway Department is a very important part of our town government. The department is managed by the Highway Superintendent, an elected official, and reporting to the superintendent are three employees. The department maintains the approximately 21 miles of town roads in Brighton, and in addition contractually assists Franklin County with the maintenance of some of the county roads in the town.

The Highway Superintendent is elected every two years.

Town Clerk

The Town Clerk is the custodian of the town records. The clerk provides a written record of town board meetings and provides notice to other government agencies and to the public of town business. The clerk issues licenses for which the town has jurisdiction, such as dog licenses.

The Town Clerk is elected every four years.

Town Justice

A town justice has jurisdiction in civil matters, small claims, eviction proceedings, civil hearings, and suppression hearings. A town justice also has jurisdiction in criminal matters up to pretrial felony hearings (violations and misdemeanors). Laws dealt with include, but are not limited to, Penal, Vehicle and Traffic, Parks and Recreation, Environmental Conservation, Public Health, Navigational, Agricultural and Market, and Local laws.

The Town Justice is elected every four years.

Tax Collector

The tax collector is charged with the duty of collecting the total amount of taxes levied on each parcel of property listed on the town’s tax roll. This involves annual collections of approximately $1.6 million from owners of approximately one thousand parcels. The Tax Collector is elected every four years.

Code Enforcement Officer

The Code Enforcement Officer administers and enforces the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code.

The Code Enforcement Officer is appointed by the Town Board.


This job of the Assessor is to place valuations on real property for property tax purposes and to maintain the town assessment roll.

The Assessor is appointed by the Town Board.

Dog Control Officer

The Dog Control Officer resolves issues concerning dogs, such as stray dogs and noisy dogs.

The Dog Control Officer is appointed by the Town Board.

Recreation Attendant

The Recreation Attendant supervises the operation of the Town Park in Gabriels.

The Recreation Attendant is appointed by the Town Board.


The Bookkeeper maintains the financial records of the town and otherwise supports the supervisor in his/her responsibilities as the chief financial officer of the town.

The Bookkeeper is appointed by the supervisor.

Town Hall Custodian

This position involves the performance of many tasks necessary to keep the town hall a safe and desirable place to work and meet.

The Hall Custodian is appointed by the town board.

Board of Assessment Review

The Board of Assessment Review guarantees taxpayer rights by hearing real property assessment complaints (grievances) and arriving at fair and impartial determinations regarding those complaints.

The Board consists of five members, appointed to 5-year terms by the Town Board.


The Town Supervisor and the Highway Superintendent are authorized to appoint deputies to act in their stead in the event of absence or temporary incapacitation.